

Page history last edited by Leah Meyerhoff 6 years, 5 months ago

Hammock Hangout 2018 -- WE'RE UPDATING FOR 2018


FIRST OFF: Please add yourself to the 2018 Attendance list



Greetings, Spacecats! Did you know that this is only one of the THREE places we, the residents of Hammock Hangout, communicate about Burning Man? 

1 - the wiki (this space)

2 - the email list (Google group) 

3 - the Facebook group


Here's how to get hooked in.


Need wiki access (that's this thing where you are now)? Mail hh@thehammockhangout.com


Need on the mailing list? Go join at the SPACECATS Google Group or mail hh@thehammockhangout.com


Need to connect with our broader community? Facebook Group:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/hammockhangout/





Welcome Home

In 2018, Hammock Hangout will have an approximate location of 4:30 and Elektro.






Our donations are how our camp gives its communal gift: The tallest shade on playa, "69" hammocks (give or take), and the most well-stocked top-shelf liquor bar- with ice, and sometimes even WATER!- many of our visitors have ever seen. And nobody does karaoke, or lounging, like we do. It's a labor of love we make happen through communal effort and donations- materials, storage, fuel, tools need to be financed and secured year-round.


DONATE HERE: http://thehammockhangout.com/#donate


If you can afford it, please donate at least $200 (suggested donation) per camper, as EARLY as you can (purchases get made LONG before we hit dust). Feel free to give more if you can! This money funds the container and its storage, construction supplies, shared camp assets, and stuff like that. (Your "three handles of top-shelf booze and the mixers to match" donation on playa is also greatly appreciated; look for details mid-summer on the email list).


Want to get more involved with making Hammock Hangout come to life? Consider taking on a key leadership position. Your time, love, skills, and attention are a valuable asset on AND off-playa. Pipe up on the mailing list or on the FB page.


Vital Links



2018 Attendance list  (Make sure you are on the list!)


What to Bring (Besides what is in the Survival Guide, here are some things you can bring for the camp.) And we will have WATER this year, so don't bring your own. Just a refillable jug.


Time Line (What to do when.)


Camp Size and Layout


This was a 2016 iteration, leaving it here for general reference until a new one can be added.


HH 2016 Camp Layout



Camp Projects and Roles (Still updating for 2018. Project Leads, please add/remove yourselves)


Just a little organization structure can go a long way. Especially for projects that affect the whole camp. Here's a list of camp projects, some critical and some optional, with names of the hardy souls who have volunteered to lead the projects.


If you want to add new projects, or sign up to help or lead existing projects, great! Just add yourself to the list. And if you know where you want to help out, add that, too. Projects that don't have excited participants may not happen at all, so don't be shy! This list will give us a slightly better sense of what to expect.


Project  Summary  Tsars/Czars  Volunteers 
Census and Placement  Who's coming? How many? Right amount of space? Work with BM Placement team and Container folks.  Soulmate  
Camp Layout New location means new layout! Soulmate  
EA Passes Identify the volunteers who want to come early to build Hammock Hangout. Get them EA passes.  
Hardware Prep Getting additional construction hardware pre-playa    
Budget and $$ Work with all the other projects to figure out what's needed for the camp, collect and distribute $, dues and donations  
Electric Grid  Generator, generator housing/baffle, generator security, 120V AC grid   
EA Food So wise to have someone focused on meals and snacks early on while others unpack and build and shit. PORTLAND!!   
Kitchen  Setup, organization, signage and RECRUITING!  Then it's up to you lot to behave :) PORTLAND!! 




Grey Water       
Trash  Policy and Signage on where refuse goes (Trash, Recycling, and Burnables, kitchen and bar). Reminding/deputizing folks to take out LOTS of trash when they leave, or better yet, adopt a bag or two early in the week before it gets out of hand.  
Karaoke Put the needle on the record   


Bar Setup and organize the bar, manage liquor/mixer balance and flow, coordinate tending/tidying/ice Perfect 

Kate T.

Susan G. K.

Betty Burns


 Knot Czar

The person to ask if you are tying paracord or hammock ropes and you aren't sure you're sure 




Creation (some pre-event, some on-site) & installation of signage, décor, comforts & interactive elements of our fabulous environment. The list is growing and I'm looking for some CRAFTY co-creators!!

BettyBurns Isabel, Leah, Addison




Past Years





Once you are settled inside your new tank, you are able to decide to remain inside your Bow Front Aquarium or jump out in to the ocean, exactly where you are able to play games, chat with other fish within the sea, discover reefs and shipwrecks, and discover about marine life.To assistance the preservation of marine environments, RUSS will 'seas the day' by creating donations to nearby aquariums to assist raise awareness concerning the significance of oceanic conservation.

Comments (3)

Ashke said

at 11:44 am on Aug 18, 2015

Ok desperation sets in as my van brakes caught on fire and I am renting a car for 3 weeks and my bike from last year died.

NEED A BIKE BADLY. Anyone have an extra they could bring that I can make my own for a few weeks? In a small rental car now so even if I had a bike, I can't bring one.

Help me Obi Wan Space Cat.

Jennifer Erickson said

at 10:03 am on Apr 3, 2017

Hungry for the 2017 Front Page. Looking forward to contributing in the most useful ways I can.

mvindc@... said

at 10:57 am on Jul 13, 2017

Can't wait for the build guys. :-) -Michael (and Xenia)

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